Price of the quilt - 130 000 руб
Product description:

This patchwork is a perfect wedding gift - a double engagement ring symbolizes the infinity of love between the newlyweds. The quilt is sewn using the world famous design by Judy Niemeyer. The project was created from 100 types of hand-painted batik and consists of 3000 parts. Tensulate was used as a filler (one of the lightest and warmer insulants). The product is fully quilted on a professional stitch machine - "HQ Fusion Long Arm". Final double strapping was hemmed by hand.

Product size:

235 * 235 см;
92,5 *92,5 in.

Product care recommendations:

Quilt is requiring delicate care: the product can not be ironed, but it can be steamed; allowable washing temperature - 30 °C (86 °F); for washing it we recommend to use liquid detergents, easily soluble in water; dry the product in expanded form.

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+7 921 977 28 36
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